Wednesday 5 May 2010

men and porn

why do men love porn? There is nothing wrong with your husband having a hobby. Most nights bored men are surfing the net for mostly one thing; pornography. Even though most say they are happy and have a good sex life they still love looking a porn. This for men is the norm, most think about it all the time.. So why do men love looking at naked people i am a woman and for love or money i don't understand why for me its like looking at cakes in a shop window and not able to eat them or being on a diet.

many expects say that pornography is connected to many parts of the brain the mirror neuron that are brain cells react in the same way as use watch romantic movies or soaps that's why men love football and porn. So for whatever the reason they watch it the next time you hubby watches porn just think its not a substitute for us women may be if we took this up with them many of us couple could use it to spice up are own sex life and relationships may improve. i found some interesting things about porn and relationships on the link below hope you find it interesting.

Thursday 15 April 2010

phone sex internet cheating

The Internet is a wonderful thing, Mobile phones are great too. They keep you in touch with a world you might have never met. It can be great for business and pressure, I personally couldn't live how I do without it. However there is a side of the Internet and phones where people can flirt and even meet up are Internet sites, and phone site where like-minded people can get together. Social groups on the web if you like, great if you single, a new form of cheating for those who are married. Many see it as harmless its just fun, others its not cheating as its not real. Marriage therapist however are seeing more and more couples due to Internet cheating and phone sexting as they call it. Also cheating has tripled due to this in the past two years. So when do you draw the line? Is it cheating I personally think so, may be I'm wrong while it may not be physical, it is still consider it as cheating. It is the emotional side of having a affair, the knowledge of your wife or husband writing erotic writing to someone else for me would be heart breaking even if it was just fun.

Wednesday 31 March 2010

costmetic surgery and body modification

Cosmetic Surgery and body art is now very common it is no longer for the rich and famous and if you want to change the way you look for whatever reason then you can feel free to do so its available to all. Its all very safe as long as you have it done by someone qualified to do it and from boob jobs to face tattoos no one thinks anything about it. I feel Cosmetic surgery is a good for people who have gone though rough time caused though sickness or massive weight loss its only natural for people to regain some of their life back and correct the damage caused boosting their self esteem can only be a good thing. Research shows that more people have promotion and raises and get ahead faster than their less attractive peers, this i know sounds sad and i agree but as sad as it is humans have a weakness for beauty and that whats sells magazines and papers and keeps the media going perfection seems to be what socially wants anything else just wont do sad really don't you think. As for body art you can read my blog on tattoos.

Friday 26 March 2010

comment Talking about Drugs

In regards to Jenny's post i must say i don't agree about drugs being legalised due to the harm and pain it causes to families and friends the stress it would cause would be traffic. it would also cost us a lot of money in the long run with more people taking it due to the fact of it being legal, the NHS would break with people needing help. However i can see and understand your point if you took it out of the black market may be it would stop a lot of social problems, however would the nation be able to work we the whole country being stoned ????

Thursday 25 March 2010

infidelity in marriage

Infidelity can truly tear a marriage apart, i should know I've been married and had a affair and divorced due to a very bad break down of which was irreparably. i feel the only way you can deal with this is to forgive, even as a christian i believe this is the only way forward. I'm not preaching that you should remain married following an affair as if the marriage is irreparable that would be the worse thing you could possibly do, however if you want to move on from the hurt and pain of a bad relationship you can move on better if you forgiven. By do this doesn't mean your going to experience the pain any less. It only means that you are going to let go of the anger and bitterness and the question that you have,and move forward with your life.

Tuesday 23 March 2010


When thinking of something to write this evening for being bad i thought of swearing. As a child i can always remember my father swearing, not much around the house but out with friends most, i always wondered why? so tonight i thought why not write about swearing. There is widespread public association between swearing and social class. This may be so my dad was working class and came from a coal mining background which is fair to say is a lower- class working job which has a regular group of men swearing and affirming their position as members of that social group. I feel people use swear words as a way to express themselves in a more powerful way and when i have used moderate swear words its been beneficial as a way to express the way i feel, and a great way to relieve stress.

there are some clips on you need to type in swearing to find the clips they have films from oliver twist and about the joys of swearing. from my point of view swearing is quite an interesting phenomenon, since it manages to elude most attempts at classification and grammatical structuring.

Friday 19 March 2010

chocolate causing problem behaviour

Reading about chocolate, sweets making kids naughty made me write this poem below.
For goodness sake are children today are unable to walk to school alone and have little of the freedom we had due to the fear of harm from all around them, are children the people we love the most preious things to us and we love them dearly. If their healthy and happy let them live and enjoy some of the things kids should be able to enjoy as we did.
Children love sweets and chocolate they love all that is nice and tastes good thats why its bad for you mor than likely, so why take this away from children. its the only time you shouldnt have to worry about what you eat.
Childhood is precious and very short, and i know we need are kids healthy, im not trying to say kill kids with sugar overload, or not eat healthy im saying let them eat chocolates and sweets and enjoy it and not worry about the adult stuff, after all they have years of that ahead off them. Childhood is and should be carefree.
found some interesting view point on here, however most contridict each other.

Chocolate cake
for goodness sake
dark and brown
chow it down
Chocolate goes south
but tastes so yummy
rings around the mouth
looks so funny

Mmm lick it up fast
Aint this a blast
Endorphin dreamy
Rich and creamy

Chocolate and me
so free and easy
in my belly
that was easy.

bandits and outlaws

Few of the heroes of the past have survived to be a household name well into the 21st century. no tells of the tales of Hereward the wake scourge of the Norman invader or a welsh warrior who took up arms against st john? in comparison with robin hood, even king Arthur fades into the mist of time. as a child i have fond memories watching films with my parents, the good guy stealing from the rich giving to the poor. is this the secret of robins phenomenal success?was he a symptom of peasant discontent. may be who's to know, i really enjoyed the lecture on Thursday it was interesting trying to understand what turns certain bandits/outlaws into honourable people. robin hood clips

Saturday 13 March 2010

comment on Bad films
in regards to your post i to feel that film can be harmful and damaging to young people, some of the thing put on television could have damaging affect on a young person. i watched the story of ted bundy the murder and couldn't sleep property for weeks thinking that could happen to myself i was about 25 and found that hard to deal with so if teenager are watching bad film with out understanding it all god knows the damage it could he doing.


over the years drugs have come into my life. I have meet people who took them as part of their social seen at clubs. I also had a very good friend on drug that died that part of my life was hard and is something you learn to live with and never get over, drug taking myself was something i never did it wasn't my thing and i never felt i need to. I had my own escape and happiest which was my children. The choice to use drugs is usually based on the effects that they produce and to fulfil certain functions this is my own feeling. For many the perceived positive effects simply outweigh the negative effects. For some it is part of what is considered ‘normal’ where they live. Whether this is down to the ‘lost social institutions that countered the inbuilt weaknesses of our social brains’ i don't know however read Matt’s pamphlet he as some interesting theories These may help and become increasingly essential as we find ourselves in a time when drug use and alcohol problems are the defining elements of the European drug problem increasing the risks of acute problems.

Saturday 6 March 2010

comments on victorian mastibation

sarah blog, i cant understand the victorias and mastibation the men spend most of their live in brothels if they spend more time at home less mastibation would take place, i will never understand why people feel sex or masturbation is wrong its just a part of human nature.

comments lies

i remember loads of story's like the one your mum told you. i think your post is so true we all tell to our kids, the lies we tell most of the time is to get the behaviour we want. I don't feel lies are a bad thing as long as they aren't hurting the people we love.

comment Jeremy kyle

in regards to jodies post, i must agree with you. my x husband wanted myself to discuss our two boys on the jeremy kyle show i refused as i couldnt go and put my children though that for a start and a wouldnt talk about my private life on television. i really dont understand why people do it to themselve or their familys has the world gone mad? i can only think they live such a boring lifes that they feel that they owe it to the world to bore us with the crap they bring upon themselves.


There are several reasons one might get a tattoo. One is symbolism. A person wants to express something about themselves, they want other people to see that part of them resting calmly upon their skin,a bond that will be there forever. maybe it could be for many something that shows a sort of self-discovery, that concluded something about oneself and it had meaning to them. the person arranges the words, the feelings into a form of art, and has it inked onto their skin so that they won't forget. It tells a story for that person a story of their life after they pass away, or to passer-byers upon city streets.

Many people, later regret getting tattoo, for the style. They like how it looks. Henna tattoos are the most common tattoos for it's style. Another example of tattooing for style was a tattoo that several women often have placed upon their lower backs. i wanted one myself yet didn't have the guts, yet many of my friends had them and regret it as the design date or they had children and their body change.

Often tattoos will express a passion for something such as cooking, hair, sports, location, or just life. I've seen several chefs get food items tattooed onto their bodies such as racks of asparagus or sandwiches they look kind of funny, they love food so much they need to mark their body to show that they have found something they are passionate about. Another kind of tattoo is a mural, or portrait tattoo. When a person looses a loved one they sometimes get a picture of that loved one tattooed somewhere on their body with a few loving words. I've seen fathers get portrait tattoos of their children or wives on their arms, and mothers do the same, when they have looses a child to remember them forever.
i found some intersting facts on here.

Monday 1 March 2010

abortion bad killing is never good

Family some need it some dont we wouldnt be here without it.

As a woman and a mother of five I have and could never have a abortion, There has been times in my life when things were hard and i didnt know what to do, may be im mad I just knew it wasnt for me and i made my bed and have five great kids. I feel a abortion must be one of the most hardest things for anyone to do. there are so many forms of birth control now that i feel you must be the unluckiest person in the world if you fall pregnant and use protection to stop it from happening. however it happens and in some circumstance abortion is the only way if the baby is sick and wont have a standard of life maybe its for the best. It must be a hard choice to make, one i wish never to make.

I found some interesting facts on this website hope you find them interesting.

Sunday 28 February 2010


When thinking about trades that have been around for centuries prostitution is not one that normally comes to mind yet it is claimed to be one of the oldest of professions known to exit. People have very different views on the subject of prostitution, i myself don't have a problem with it if it with two people that a happy and willing. Attitudes surrounding prostitution have evolved and changed many times from a celebrated necessity to a cultural evil. The United States Victorian era (1840-1900) experienced the same evolution of thoughts as their prostitutes experienced empathy in the beginning of the century then utter rejection towards the end. The twentieth century on through to the twenty-first has kept the ideals of the Victorians. American society’s outlook towards prostitution has not changed in over a century and a half because the societal views and the debate over a solution remain the same. The view of prostitution myself is that if one what to sell their body as a career choice them it such be made safe, men and women should be looked after as we are in any other job

Saturday 27 February 2010


Sadly, many of us are familiar with what it's like to be a child on the receiving end of the playground bullying, I was bullied that bad at school i never went and it caused problems that are hard to deal with. What is appalling is that being bullied isn't necessarily something we can forget about as adults, its something you have to learn to live with which is sometimes harder as there are times even today you miss out on chances and opportunities down to the feeling the way you felt as a child when bullied.
Some children undoubtedly pick on others because they know no better, or have a limited outstanding of the devastating impact they can have on a person's self-esteem, confidence, well being and happiness. It’s just a shame they don’t realise the damage they cause the person their bullying.

comment masturbation

Hi Jodie
In regards to your blog o masturbation, I remember my mum saying much the same to my brother and i say the same to my girls, however not to stop them, even if i find it embarrassing. More their own safely more than anything due to the nature of the world we live in.

stalking why or do we all play a part in todays world??

Stalkers plunge their victim into a world of fear and terror by repeatedly following and attempting to contact their victim despite pleas to stay away. Are we all capable of this in a world full of cameras and CCTV fighting thought don't you think?
We all live in a world with little privacy and yet think we have the right to know all and see all as humans we love to know whats going on not thinking or caring about the person or people involved, is this the price of technology? I remember carefree days when young and that's not that far back and something i feel life was so much nicer without Mobile phones and computers.


lying is bad!!! it hurts people, ruins relationships and yes even jobs, you lie to get ahead in a job you have to keep that lye up and also keep coming up with others to cover the first lye you told. then After awhile you don't know the truth from a lye anymore!! I think being straight forward person, being bluntly honest is the best way all around! Even in the job world. Usually if I find out someone lied to me I won't talk to them anymore, Believe me the person you lie to always finds out too!!! Just be honest that's the best way to be.

Friday 26 February 2010

comment give a dog a bone

in regards to Jodie last post, when my husband and myself went away for a weekend to Amsterdam i saw DVDs in the sex shops with things of a similar nature we was mortified that people could find watching animals having sex a turn on it goes to say it takes all sorts.

listening to last nights lecture was quite interesting, i would have
never in my wildness dreams thought that masturbation was look upon as wrong and people in the Victorian ages went to such an effort to stop themselves masturbating. I felt this was quite ironic as the men in that era spent so much time in brothels and brought the likes of syphilis back home to there wife's; it, in many cases harming there unborn children. Maybe if masturbation wasn't so frowned on alot of people life's would of being saved in the long run. Masturbation in the Victorian Age When it comes to girls just wanting to have fun, the Victorian era was the ultimate era of repression, denial and sin. Girls were kept from riding horse or even doing some house old chores to stop them thinking about masturbation.

Thursday 25 February 2010

comment bunny boiler
jodieosullivan buddy boiling
I really liked this piece of writing,i have felt like a stalker many times when i have needed to get help from people on important matters. on one occasion i knew the person by first name i didnt mean to email so much but i didnt know how to do something and was tearing my hair out to find out what i needed to know.

Tuesday 16 February 2010

addiction many off us have one in some form mine is cleaning. i do it to have some order in my life, to forget any problems at makes me feel in control.I have some friends i know how thake drugs they use them to to escape the stress of everyday life, Drug are very much part of everyday life in todays socially we can them from the doctor sometimes getting addicted without knowing then moving to stronger if the drugs dont mantain the feeling we need. when does a addiction become dangerous is there a line we need to know?

Friday 12 February 2010

smoking why do people smoke??? when i was young i just to enjoy and cig with friends by the bike shed it felt good, and we was breaking the rules, then my mom found out and she smoked and didn't really care if i did or not from then on the fun was gone so for me smoking was a way of rebelling doing what i felt was wrong and getting away with it is there anyone out there that felt this way and is there a reason any of you smoked.

Thursday 11 February 2010

Envy bad or good

Envy is one of the seven deadly sins everyone at sometime naturally feels it we use it sometimes to improve are own life's when we see thing we want some else has. I think envy is bad but natural and only when it stats to ruin your live and the people around you become a problem. in the link below i found some interesting facts on thing with a religious perspective on what is bad and good, and so good songs on youtube.

I suggest a long trip to Amsterdam to visit the sex museum. The museum about a sensitive area of human sexuality is located in the busiest spot of Amsterdam, at the Damrak street, just in front of the Central Station, in the real middle of the traffic madness. Once you get inside, you realize that the Sex Museum tries to combine their rich collection of artifacts with the elements of the attraction park. Its full name is Sex Museum – “The temple of Venus”.
I feel this would give us a greater understanding about sex and masturbation to help us understand week fives topic and get a inside to all of the topics as they know how to have fun and be bad in Amsterdam.